Republic Of Tea Get Lost

Herbal Supplement. Certified Gluten-free. Herb tea for weight control. Can a fabulous, specially blended herbal tea make you thin? If only. But it can certainly help. Losing weight is all about moderation, expending energy, curbing sugar cravings and being well. That's why, if you're thinking thin, this caffeine-free blend is for you. Based on health promoting, organic rooibos, it includes tropical banana leaf, cinnamon and carob which satisfy the appetite, providing craving control. Carob and gymnema leaves help to tame your sweet tooth and the urge to indulge. So before you reach for something naughty, pour a cup of something nice. It taste great, so why not exercise your good sense and give it a try? Tasting Notes: This warm and toasty herbal blend has the zing of orange and the warmth of cinnamon. Carob gives this cup a sweet and satisfying finish. Organic Red Rooibos - The Wonder Herb of South Africa. Full-bodied and aromatic, caffeine-free red rooibos is celebrated for its flavor and antioxidants. As the base for this tea, it's natural friend to the immune system and can contribute to a healthier life. Be Well Teas are meticulously formulated for specific needs. We invite you to consider them all, and get what you need. We have over 19 delicious, functional teas in our Be Well Teas collection. Only sustainable ingredients are used. Save this recyclable container to store refills and other items. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.) Packaged in USA.